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If you are thinking about solar power solutions you are on the right website with the right partner of choice!

The HYBRID PV SYSTEM, pioneered by Reneworld in Mauritius, is the most complete system to achieve 24/7 energy supply, protecting you from increase in electricity rates whilst saving on your bills. Your home is also protected from any power shortage and fluctuations that can damage your appliances.

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The smallest kit that we proposed is the 2.5 kW system .
15-year warranty on panels, 10-year warranty on inverters and batteries, and a 25-year performance and workmanship warranty. Maintenance should be done once every year or once every two years. The first maintenance is free of charge.
- Add value/ resale to your house!
- No more suffering due to grid fluctuations
- Hedging against increase of electricity increase
- System can be reallocated on another site
- Ecology - become greener and working towards a better future, better world for the next generation
- The system is tax-deductible
- System includes an app for online monitoring of your production and consumption in real time
“ THEY ”
À 87%, je suis 100% satisfait!
“…Je recommande Reneworld, je trouve qu’ils ont un service remarquable! ”

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The grid-tied system is the most affordable system of all and allows you to sell your solar generated power to the CEB which in return makes you save big on your electric bill!

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- Save on your bills and get cash back from CEB at the end of each year for the next 20 years.
- Deduct 100% of your investment on your income tax return
- DBM financing up to Rs 250,000 at a rate of 2%
- Added value to a house
- System includes an app for online monitoring of your production in real time
- Ecology - become greener and working towards a better future, better world for the next generation
“ THEY ”
La pou le moman mo bill, parfwa mo pa paye..
“So bann teknicien bien konpétan.. So staff so inn bien satisfé ek travay la..”

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You become fully independent and produce your own electricity… Anytime and anywhere. The Off-grid PV system is completely stand alone and is not connected to the grid. Consequently, you will never be affected by grid power shortage and fluctuations & periods of high electricity consumptions.

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- Add value/ resale to your house!
- No more suffering due to grid fluctuations
- Hedging against increase of electricity increase
- System can be reallocated on another site
- Ecology - become greener and working towards a better future, better world for the next generation
- The system is tax-deductible
- System includes an app for online monitoring of your production and consumption in real time
“ THEY ”
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut

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With our EV systems, you can choose to charge your 100% electric or hybrid plug-in vehicle with the EV CEB scheme at preferential rates.
The smallest recommended system is 5 kW. You can benefit from a preferential tariff of Rs 4.00/kWh when charging your car during off-peak hours (21:00 to 03:59). This can lead to monthly savings of up to Rs 10,750.
Around 5 years
- Ecology – buying a hybrid or fully electric car shows you care about the planet.
- Deduct 100% of your investment on your income tax return
- Added value to a house
- The EV scheme can be financed by the DBM at 2% interest up to Rs 250,000
- System includes an app for online monitoring of your production and consumption in real time
“ THEY ”
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut